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Opportunity Fund

Dedicated to supporting marginalized communities of color.

In response to the Black Lives Matter movement, The Rising Foundation is proud to announce the creation of a $500,000 designated fund. This new fund, named the Opportunity Fund, is dedicated to providing grants to individuals and organizations who are addressing systemic racism in communities of color.

Much has been happening over the past weeks in our country and around the world, exposing a broader level of systemic racism. We appreciate the voices who have come together around the Black Lives Matter movement, we support you 100%. While the response of All Lives Matter may be true on the surface, it diminishes the hidden pandemic, that systemic racism exists, who it is impacting and it is costing lives! We acknowledge those in government and law enforcement who’ve responded to community demands.

We at the foundation are dedicated to creating systemic change through our practice of “cooperating for a better tomorrow.” We believe through partnership and investment in communities of color, creating opportunities, real systemic change will occur. Over the course of the coming months we will be engaging our network to develop application criteria and focus areas for these funds. By creating strategic partnerships we will ensure that the use of these funds will truly benefit those impacted by racism. The details of this will be posted on our website, in the near future. Anyone wishing to participate is encouraged to contact us at the email address provided.

As a California based 501(c)3, anyone can make donations to the fund.  100% of all donations will be used to provide grants through this fund. Your donation is fully tax deductible as allowed by state and federal law. Contact us at the email address provided for details on how to donate.

We are proud to be doing our part in shifting the system and joining the Black Lives Matter movement.