“Masiyembo” is an isiXhosa word that most simply translates as: “Let’s go back to our roots”. Yet, as several local elders note, it also has a deeper soul-resonant meaning which speaks of a profound remembering of the human spirit, our shared values and deep connection with all life.
The Masiyembo Association is a diverse collaboration of professional nature/wilderness
guides, outdoor facilitators, mentors, and artists from across South Africa.
We are committed to providing more:
- Opportunities for (historically disadvantaged) South Africans to find meaning, connection and well being through immersive nature experiences.
- Members with a supportive peer-to-peer network that enhances the exposure and quality of experiences they provide, including the capacity to train others in facilitation.
- Advocacy around the importance of nature connectedness and outdoor therapeutic interventions for healthcare and beneficial psycho-social outcomes.
Our Members utilize immersive experiences and connective nature-based processes to reawaken and revitalize our relationship with earth and each other. Specifically, we are:
- Bonded by a commitment to care, contribute and deeply connect with all life
- Motivated by a desire to learn and share our passion, experience and knowledge
- Inspired to co-create more opportunities for people of all backgrounds to find
nourishment and wellbeing through nature, and for the benefit of nature.