Evaluation Criteria



(3 points)


(2 points)


(1 point)


(0 points)

Materials Provided

All materials provided, conform to submission guidelines. Written clearly and easily understood.

All materials provided, conform to submission guidelines. Difficult to read or excessively wordy.

Materials are poorly organized, hard to read or excessively wordy.

Materials incomplete or submitted in format not specified in guidelines.


Working in partnership with 2 or more organizations.

Working in partnership with 1 organization.

Offering programs to outside individuals or organizations.

Not working with other organizations or individuals.

Core Values

Expression of 3 or more TRF Core Values.

Expression of two TRF Core Values.

Expression of 1 TRF Core Value.

Unclear expression of TRF Core Values.

Delivery Capacity and/or Impact

Expansion of capacity and/or validation of impact through established program.

Expansion of capacity through pilot program.

Development of new program or materials.

No demonstrated capacity to deliver or unclear impact.

Outcomes / Goals

Formal statistical measurement and/or formal publication of results.

Clearly defined measurable results and reporting of outcome in achieving a goal.

Unclear goal and /or no mechanism for measuring outcome.

No measurable outcome or goal provided.

Budget Details

(not required for
 Letter of Inquiry)

Detailed budget costs, hourly rates and timeline.

Limited budget breakdown or vague timeline.

Lump sum budget or unclear timeline.

No budget breakdown or timeline defined.


(required for
 Opportunity Fund)

Direct impact in BIPOC or LGBTQI+ communities, over 75% of funding.

Indirect impact in BIPOC or LGBTQI+ communities, at least 50% of funding.

Limited impact in BIPOC or LGBTQI+ communities.

No clear or assessable impact in BIPOC or LGBTQI+ communities.

  • Letters of Inquiry must receive a score of 8 or better for consideration
  • Grant Requests must receive a score of 12 or better for consideration
  • Opportunity Funds are available to submissions scoring 2 or better

Scores do not guarantee approval of any submission.